Why should I get involved?

Be part of the conversation, join our online community and help us make better decisions for Randwick City.  We know life is busy, so Your Say Randwick lets you share your thoughts and ideas on Council projects at a time and place that suits you.  

How will my registration benefit me?

As a registered Your Say subscriber, you can stay informed and receive regular updates on Council projects, follow projects of interest and access online discussions with other members of the community.

Knowing more about you and what connects you to Randwick City also helps Council make better decisions based on the demographic information you provide when you register. It also means we can undertake more targeted consultations and provide better outcomes for the community.

You’ll also save time, by not having to enter your details every time you complete a consultation.

How will my information be used?

We take our privacy obligations seriously.  Information gathered via Your Say Randwick is used to help Council’s decision making, is kept strictly confidential and is not divulged to any third party.

For more information on how we use your information, view our Privacy Policy.

I've forgotten my password and/or my username. What should I do?

Step 1: Click the ‘Sign In” link at the top right of the Your Say Randwick homepage.

Step 2: Click the ‘Forgotten password’ link under the ‘Sign in’ button.

Step 3: Type in your email address and click enter. You will then receive an email from us with your username and a link back to the site. Click on that link to reset your password.

Step 4: Sign in with your old username and new password.

How can I edit my profile?

Sign in to your account on Your Say Randwick.  Once you have signed in you'll see your e-mail address in the top right hand corner. Click on the drop down arrow, then click ‘Profile’ to update.

How do I give my feedback on Your Say Randwick?

Once you have registered with Your Say Randwick, your feedback can be submitted via the surveys, quick polls or discussion forums relevant to each project open for consultation.

How is the site moderated?

Moderation is carried out in collaboration with Bang the Table Pty Ltd. Bang the Table is a professional service provider that hosts and moderates online discussions. The moderators do not edit or alter any comments and will only remove comments deemed to be significantly off topic, offensive or malicious.  Read our Moderation Policy for more information.

Are there any other ways I can give my feedback on consultations?

Your Say Randwick is just one of the ways Council gathers feedback on projects open for consultation. We may also host workshops, information sessions, or on-site meetings to engage with the community.  Simply check the individual Your Say project pages online to see all the ways you can be involved in a specific project.

Our libraries and Customer Service Centre also have hard copies of projects open for consultation, where you will find the same information and similar feedback options available on Your Say Randwick in hard copy.

Council also accepts submissions to public exhibitions in writing either hard copy by mail or via email.

You can also give us feedback at any time through our social media channels or our website or in hard copy.

Who can I contact about Your Say Randwick?

Visit our Contact Us page.