Meeks Street Plaza

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This consultation has concluded. 

The Meeks Street Plaza was completed March 2023.  An official opening will be held on Saturday 17 June 2023 from 4-8pm with a community celebration currently being planned.
You can read about the new plaza here.

Council is planning to upgrade the Meeks Street Plaza to create a vibrant and welcoming place for people to meet, congregate and celebrate.

The community were invited to share an idea, complete a survey or chat with us down at the plaza. View a summary of the consultation outcomes.

The top 6 things people want at the plaza include: Trees and plantings, seating areas, local markets, outdoor dining, space for local performers and shade.

As a result, we have created a concept plan that focuses on greening the plaza, extending available space to provide more outdoor seating and dining, a new performance stage & lawn area for local events and group gatherings. The design also retains vehicular access to driveways and rights of way.

The draft concept design is now on exhibition and we are again seeking your feedback.

You can provide your feedback by:

  • Making an online comment
  • Lodging a formal submission
  • Sending your comments headed "Meeks Street Plaza Concept Design" to the General Manager by email
  • Posting your comments headed " Meeks Street Plaza Concept Design " to the General Manager, Randwick City Council, 30 Frances Street, Randwick NSW 2031.

Consultation period: 8 April to 5 May 2020.

The Meeks Street Plaza was completed March 2023.  An official opening will be held on Saturday 17 June 2023 from 4-8pm with a community celebration currently being planned.
You can read about the new plaza here.

Council is planning to upgrade the Meeks Street Plaza to create a vibrant and welcoming place for people to meet, congregate and celebrate.

The community were invited to share an idea, complete a survey or chat with us down at the plaza. View a summary of the consultation outcomes.

The top 6 things people want at the plaza include: Trees and plantings, seating areas, local markets, outdoor dining, space for local performers and shade.

As a result, we have created a concept plan that focuses on greening the plaza, extending available space to provide more outdoor seating and dining, a new performance stage & lawn area for local events and group gatherings. The design also retains vehicular access to driveways and rights of way.

The draft concept design is now on exhibition and we are again seeking your feedback.

You can provide your feedback by:

  • Making an online comment
  • Lodging a formal submission
  • Sending your comments headed "Meeks Street Plaza Concept Design" to the General Manager by email
  • Posting your comments headed " Meeks Street Plaza Concept Design " to the General Manager, Randwick City Council, 30 Frances Street, Randwick NSW 2031.

Consultation period: 8 April to 5 May 2020.


Leave a comment about the Meeks Street Plaza concept plan.

This consultation has concluded. 

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Great improvement - any new green space is a good thing.

I hope the planting will all be natives and drought friendly. A green space that turns into a dust bowl in drought quickly becomes an eyesore.

Is there a way to harvest grey water from the surrounding properties to use for irrigation?

It would be lovely to include information plaques in the walkways to include historic or botanic information, and especially include Indigenous stories about the local land and plants.

Is there enough space for everything shown in the plan? It seems like a lot of elements for a relatively small space. It is often better to eliminate some elements rather than miniaturise (and thereby minimise the impact of) each.

Clever lighting to generally provide safety at night, but also not having only bright floodlighting on community events held on the stage in the evenings.

ElleBee about 4 years ago

Overall a very good concept plan that can cater for the needs of different age groups. The limited parking needs to prioritise spaces for disability parking and include some bicycle racks to make the Plaza accessible to all. Budget allocation for ongoing maintenance and keeping plaza free from litter. Garbage bins separating re-cycling and non-recyclable materials. Any new development bordering the plaza to enhance the plaza with setbacks at ground level and above fourth level to allow for greenery, sun access, and scale that doesn’t dwarf the plaza. Attractive lighting, not specific to a particular culture or theme. Margareta

medlem about 4 years ago

I agree it is important to increase the amount of greenery. I particularly like the use of rain gardens and swales. These could be used more extensively in the Randwick City council to save water, enhance habitat value and increase canopy and protection for small birds.

It is important that species planted promote biodiversity. Extensive plantings of a single, non native species can have economic, habitat and sustainability downsides. In particular tree choice is important. The right tree in the right place, planted according to Australian standards have many cost-benefits. The wrong tree costs everyone in the medium to long run. For example, most recently Plan Trees have been planted along the light rail route. These exotic trees support no birds or invertebrates and produce allergens for members of the community. Over reliance on a single species can promote disease, which can wipe out whole urban tree canopies if planted en masse. Plane trees can be quite susceptible. Many councils are moving away from the species.

I also wondered about the height limits of buildings around the plaza. Will this create uninviting wind tunnels. This could decrease amenity.

The high percentage of apartments in Kingsford means that Kingsford needs much more open space. How will the Council address the green space requirements necessitated by increased urban density. We need more than small plazas, particularly on the eastern side of Anzac Parade.

In relation to spaces/challenges for children, perhaps an element of play (like something from Child's Play in Centennial Park) could be incorporated into the design.

Jane over 4 years ago

The amount of greenery is great! Will it be foot traffic friendly enough though? There are usually so many people walking through the area.

citizenoftheworld over 4 years ago

This is a great concept but (as others have expressed) my concerns are cleanliness, maintenance, and lighting. It would be a pity to have something built offering so much to watch it be neglected and deteriorate. The space will work well with the annual noodle market and other community events as fixed street furniture isn't in abundance so some other seating solve will need to be in place for day-to-day use.

Rubinator over 4 years ago

Thank you for sharing the Meeks Stree Plaza plan.
I would suggest Randwick councial overviewing all the furture plazas along the light rail, and creating a specific guidelines for all the small plazas along the light rail. It will been good if each plaza has theme and all the theme can be connected together to express Randwick's characters.
I also would like to suggest adding more customised seats on the plaza instead of a small patch lawn between two old buildings.
Kind Regards,
Belinda Xu

Belinda over 4 years ago

Look good. Great to see so much trees and shade. Needs safe cycling access and a good amount of accessible bike parking to accommodate demand along nearby Anzac Parade footpaths which are too narrow for parking bikes. As well as future demand to support the future Doncaster Ave cycleway. Need a safe way to transition (eg. gap / ramp) from cycling on Anzac Parade / Borrodale Rd to easily access this space. Incidental seating needs to be cleaned regularly to maintain attractiveness and avoid rats. Needs bins to help keep the space clean. Thank you.

yvonnec over 4 years ago

I think it looks really nice - an effective way to use limited space. A big improvement on the current state.

Richard Edwards over 4 years ago

Overall, it looks like a space I would be happy to immerse myself in. The community lawn looks nice. I worry that the 'improved plantings' aren't sufficiently variable and interesting to be attracting birds and bees (stingless if necessary) and even to people> The pictured lomandra has been done to death and probably hosts rats. Can we have something more interesting.
And I wonder whether the 'featured paving' can't be a surface that will be favourable to water absorption and capture, such as loose gravel or decomposed granite.

Otherwise, I can't wait

bl13 over 4 years ago

It is an improvement but I am disappointed it still has car access. I dont like the shared pathway yellow/red colours. Not sure if this is for illustraion purposes only. Its hard to get a sense as to what the materials are - they need to be of a high quality. I agree that the area will need to be well maintained so hope there is recurrent budget to do that.
Plus is it all one level - I know currently you step down off gutter etc onto the road, this is awkard when crowded. But overall a great improvement and will be an asset for the area.

Louisek over 4 years ago

I think the concept plan is excellent and will make a lovely addition to the community. I would also like to see a response to the question of how will it be maintained and kept clean, and if this is included in current budget. I would also like to ask/suggest that any new trees planted should be native and green all year round.

eckles21 over 4 years ago

The concept plan responds well to the community's desire for planting and performance space. There is no seating, designated dining area or shade (other than tree cover). Will these be shown in detailed design? Also, the rain garden and improved planting is welcome, however, will Council clean litter that may appear in these types of areas?

Stephanie2032 over 4 years ago

Agree with comments re: festive lighting and a popup coffee cart. Also hope the council doesn't intend to allow cars into the area. I would have preferred a central square design ie benches and decking around the perimeter and plants/grass in the centre for people to lie/sit. I think that sort of design will get better usage.

luism over 4 years ago

the design looks great. thank you for committing to improving to this space. i agree maintenance is a key issue. one suggestion - maybe allow pop-up such as a coffee cart or noodle outlet - a bit of street food would draw people in. and to be ambitious - extend it to the other side of anzac pde at some point. thanks

Ian2500 over 4 years ago

Hi, the concept plan looks really good. Just one comment/question. What lighting design is being considered for night time? I think it’s important it looks attractive and festive in the evening given the area is a dining precinct. Thanks for inviting the community consultations.

Amanda01 over 4 years ago

The concept plan looks great. My only comment is will on going maintenance be included in the budget otherwise it will deteriorate quickly. How will the stage be utilised? Will there be a program of events?

keanes2v2v over 4 years ago

Hi Amanda and Kerry,

Thanks for sharing the concept design. One question and one request from me: Where exactly are the boundaries of area 8 (the shared vehicle/pedestrian area) and is there a chance we could 'bring back/home' the Pandas to the Plaza (the artwork from across the road in front of Niji that used to bring so much joy to the residents and especially children of the area and had disappeared a few years ago literally overnight without any announcement/explanation)?

Christian Fischer

chrisfisch over 4 years ago