Dog off leash - Emily McCarthy Park South Coogee

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Consultation has concluded

UPDATE: Dogs can exercise off-leash at Emily McCarthy Park. 

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 Nov 2023, Council resolved to allow dogs to exercise off-leash at Emily McCarthy Park.

Randwick Council is proposing to permit owners exercise their dogs off-leash at Emily McCarthy Park in South Coogee. 

Dogs are important in many people's lives. They reduce social isolation, create connections, and promote healthy lifestyles. As the population of Randwick City grows, it becomes increasingly important that pet owners living in smaller homes and apartments can access a public park for their pets to exercise.

With no designated off-leash parks in South Coogee, Council has identified Emily McCarthy Park on Elphinstone Road as a potential location for dogs to play and socialise with their canine friends!

Emily McCarthy Park offers natural shade, seating, accessible entry, with adjacent homes and trees providing a natural buffer from the road.

If the park becomes off-leash, we will install dog waste stations, additional bins, and new regulatory signage. Dog off-leash parks can be shared by everyone. Dog owners must maintain effective control of their dogs and pick up after them.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the proposal:

Or you can send your comments with the subject “Emily McCarthy Park Dog Off-leash” to or to 30 Frances Street, Randwick 2031

Feedback open: 3 to 31 October 2023.

UPDATE: Dogs can exercise off-leash at Emily McCarthy Park. 

At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 28 Nov 2023, Council resolved to allow dogs to exercise off-leash at Emily McCarthy Park.

Randwick Council is proposing to permit owners exercise their dogs off-leash at Emily McCarthy Park in South Coogee. 

Dogs are important in many people's lives. They reduce social isolation, create connections, and promote healthy lifestyles. As the population of Randwick City grows, it becomes increasingly important that pet owners living in smaller homes and apartments can access a public park for their pets to exercise.

With no designated off-leash parks in South Coogee, Council has identified Emily McCarthy Park on Elphinstone Road as a potential location for dogs to play and socialise with their canine friends!

Emily McCarthy Park offers natural shade, seating, accessible entry, with adjacent homes and trees providing a natural buffer from the road.

If the park becomes off-leash, we will install dog waste stations, additional bins, and new regulatory signage. Dog off-leash parks can be shared by everyone. Dog owners must maintain effective control of their dogs and pick up after them.

We’d love to hear your thoughts on the proposal:

Or you can send your comments with the subject “Emily McCarthy Park Dog Off-leash” to or to 30 Frances Street, Randwick 2031

Feedback open: 3 to 31 October 2023.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    You need to be registered with this site to complete the survey.

    Privacy: Your privacy is important to us. We will not make public your personal details, but we may use excerpts of your comments and feedback (without identifying details) as part of our community consultation analysis and in reporting the outcomes of this consultation to Council for their consideration.

    Consultation has concluded

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