Local Character Statements
Consultation has concluded.
Project update: As part of the Randwick Comprehensive Planning Proposal, Council is proposing to include three Local Character Areas in the Randwick Local Environmental Plan (LEP) as a new local character map layer. The three Local Character Areas that form part of the Randwick Comprehensive Planning Proposal focus on the coastal areas of Randwick City (Northern Coast, Southern Coast & The Bays Local Character Areas). These have been selected given their unique coastal attributes, diverse urban setting, historical relevance and significant scenic, landscape, aesthetic and environmental characteristics. Their boundaries have been derived from the social, economic and environmental indicators density analysis undertaken by Council, and incorporate the community’s shared values and future aspirations. It is intended that the Comprehensive Planning Proposal will be put on public exhibition for community input later in 2021. More information can be found on Council’s website.
Council will consider all community feedback on the draft LCAs and draft Local Character Statements and report this back to Council in 2022. Note that remaining Local Character Areas that have not been included as part of the Comprehensive Planning Proposal will be included as part of the upcoming Development Control Plan (DCP) review.
In March and April 2019, Council undertook a comprehensive community consultation program branded Vision 2040: Shaping Randwick’s Future to ask our residents about the characteristics of their local area; how places feel, what they value in their area, and the desired future character for their area.
We have used the community’s feedback to identify 11 Local Character Areas (LCAs) across Randwick City and developed draft Local Character Statements for each area. We have also identified a number of Special Character Areas within our Local Character Areas that have either environmental, social or economic significance to Randwick City.
What is local character?
Local character is the identity of a place and what makes a neighbourhood distinctive. It is a combination of the land, people, built environment, history, culture and tradition, and looks at how these factors interact to make the character of an area. There are three key indicators of local character:
- Environmental indicators: including tree canopy, open space and the public domain
- Social indicators: including housing, heritage features and the ‘vibe’ of a place
- Economic indicators: including town centres, the road network and local economies
How do Local Character Statements impact planning of our areas?
Once finalised, Local Character Areas will become part of Council’s planning controls and will inform Council’s strategies, plans and policies. This means future development, works and improvements to our spaces and facilities must have regard to the desired future character of the area.
Randwick City Draft Local Character Areas
Click on a local character area below to read the draft local character statements as exhibited in the consultation phase.
Parklands North Randwick | |||
How can you have your say?
This is your opportunity to assist Council in achieving its vision for the next 20 years.
Interactive Map
Drop a pin using the interactive map on one or more Local Character Areas to:
- Provide feedback on its current character (what kind of people does this area attract, is there a tree-lined street in your neighbourhood?)
- Tell us what character you'd like the area to have in the future (would you like to see more trees, improved accessibility, streetscape improvements?)
- Suggest changes to the boundary of a local character area or special character area
- Suggest an alternative name for a local character area or special character area
Make a submission
We also welcome submissions on any aspect of our local character work.
- Send your comments via Your Say Randwick
- Email your comments headed “Local Character Statements" to the General Manager by email at council@randwick.nsw.gov.au
- Posting your comments headed “Local Character Statements" to the General Manager, Randwick City Council, 30 Frances Street, Randwick NSW 2031.
Consultation period: 13 May to 10 June 2020.
Local Character Areas
How to use the interactive map:
Randwick City has been divided into 11 draft local character areas. The thick lines indicate the boundaries of the 11 areas. The white shaded areas are our special character areas. Each local character area has one special character area, while Maroubra central and Bunnerong Creek have two. Clicking anywhere on the map will show you what LCA or Special Character Area you are in.
How to drop a pin:
1. Zoom into the area on the map you want to drop a pin (+ or - icon at the bottom right of your screen)
2. Add a pin by choosing the + icon from the menu on the left
3. Complete the comment section and/or add an image
4. Hit 'submit'
Repeat to drop as many pins as you like!