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Consultation has concluded.
Project update: From May to September 2023, the Council has trialled lighting the sports fields at Nagle Park five nights a week to 8.30pm.
The outcomes of the trial were reported at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 27 Feb 2024 and Council determined to amend the existing Development Application (DA) to allow for an additional two nights for organised sports until 8.30pm, and creating a separated dog-off leash area with its own lighting five nights a week for passive recreation and dog walking.
The current trial arrangement will continue through the upcoming winter sports season, during which time the additional lighting will be planned, and the proposed amendments to the DA will be assessed.
Click here to read the outcomes of the Council meeting (see page 7).
Randwick City Council is seeking your feedback on a proposal to trial extended lighting of the sports fields at Nagle Park in Maroubra.
The lights at Nagle Park currently operate three nights a week until 8.30pm, April to September, when the sports fields are being used for training by Randwick Rugby Club.
We are proposing to operate a trial of extended lighting days to five days a week (Monday to Friday) until 8.30pm.
The purpose of the proposed trial is to support more informal and passive recreation in the park during the winter months. More lighting days would also support residents who walk their dogs in the park and make use of the off-leash dog sections of Nagle Park (note: dogs are not permitted on the sports field).
We would like to know what you think about the proposal.
Feedback from the survey will be carefully considered and reported to Council to help consider whether to proceed with the trial. Should the trial proceed, it will commence in June and conclude at the end of September 2023. An evaluation of the trial, including more community consultation, will then take place to consider whether the arrangements should be ongoing.
Feedback open: 5 April to 9am, 3 May 2023.
Project update: From May to September 2023, the Council has trialled lighting the sports fields at Nagle Park five nights a week to 8.30pm.
The outcomes of the trial were reported at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 27 Feb 2024 and Council determined to amend the existing Development Application (DA) to allow for an additional two nights for organised sports until 8.30pm, and creating a separated dog-off leash area with its own lighting five nights a week for passive recreation and dog walking.
The current trial arrangement will continue through the upcoming winter sports season, during which time the additional lighting will be planned, and the proposed amendments to the DA will be assessed.
Click here to read the outcomes of the Council meeting (see page 7).
Randwick City Council is seeking your feedback on a proposal to trial extended lighting of the sports fields at Nagle Park in Maroubra.
The lights at Nagle Park currently operate three nights a week until 8.30pm, April to September, when the sports fields are being used for training by Randwick Rugby Club.
We are proposing to operate a trial of extended lighting days to five days a week (Monday to Friday) until 8.30pm.
The purpose of the proposed trial is to support more informal and passive recreation in the park during the winter months. More lighting days would also support residents who walk their dogs in the park and make use of the off-leash dog sections of Nagle Park (note: dogs are not permitted on the sports field).
We would like to know what you think about the proposal.
Feedback from the survey will be carefully considered and reported to Council to help consider whether to proceed with the trial. Should the trial proceed, it will commence in June and conclude at the end of September 2023. An evaluation of the trial, including more community consultation, will then take place to consider whether the arrangements should be ongoing.
Seeking community feedback to determine support to a trial lighting Nagle Park.
Report to Council
Nagle Park lighting has finished this stage
Community feedback was reported to the Ordinary Council Meeting, 23 May 2023. You can view the report here (see page 139) and the outcomes of the meeting here (see page 7).
Trial underway
Nagle Park lighting has finished this stage
At the Ordinary Council Meeting on 23 May 2023, Council resolved to proceed with the trial to light the sports field five nights a week to 8.30pm until the end of September 2023.
Report to Council
Nagle Park lighting is currently at this stage
The outcomes of the trial were reported at the Ordinary Council Meeting, 27 Feb 2024. The Council supported the recommendations of the report. As a result, the existing DA to allow an additional two nights for organised sports until 8.30pm and creating a separated dog off leash area with its own lighting.
Click here to read the outcomes of the Council meeting (see page 7).
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