Block by Block Controls

    The draft DCP introduces new block by block controls and diagrams showing the maximum height, setbacks, street walls and mid-block links for sites within the town centres. Future development will be expected to be consistent with the block by block diagrams. This will ensure that new buildings are cohesive in form and scale, are set back to allow for footpath widening, and help to improve pedestrian accessibility throughout the town centres.  

    Design Controls

    The draft DCP introduces a range of additional design considerations for development to ensure that new buildings are well articulated and minimise visual bulk, provide a human scale response, and are designed with high quality materials and finishes.

    Design Excellence Process

    The draft DCP proposes a new design excellence process requiring applicants undertake an architectural design competition to select the best design outcome for strategic sites. This ensures that the best architects and designers are involved in designing high quality land mark buildings, showcasing best practice sustainability features, with excellent amenity for residents, workers and visitors.

    Economic Development

    The draft DCP introduces a number of measures to support economic development, business and employment growth within the town centres. These include:

    • Introducing a mandatory non-residential FSR for strategic node sites at Todman Square, Kingsford Midtown and Kingsford Junction to ensure adequate commercial floor space is retained for services, commercial, retail and employment.
    • Requiring that the ground floor of all buildings provide active street frontages to support economic streetscape vibrancy. Active street frontages refers to businesses that open directly to the footpath to provide active, people orientated streetscapes. 
    • A new section on the night-time economy to foster vibrant, diverse and active night life for all members of the community.

    Community Infrastructure Charge

    A new community infrastructure charge is proposed to ensure that necessary community infrastructure is delivered to meet the needs of residents, workers and visitors. Community infrastructure includes community and recreational facilities, roads and drainage. 

    The community infrastructure charge is voluntary and based on the uplift of development. Once a community infrastructure charge is paid, applicants may seek Council approval for additional height and density up to the maximum stipulated on the additional heights and FSR maps in the draft RLEP 2012. 

    Improved Public Spaces

    The draft DCP outlines a variety of measures to ensure that new development contributes to a high quality public realm while protecting solar access to public spaces. A suite of public realm improvements are proposed including new plazas, street trees, landscaping and public art. These interventions will ensure that the public realm is transformed into a contemporary urban environment, contributing to the revitalisation of the town centres.

    Landscaping and Green Architecture

    The draft DCP requires that new development contribute to the greening of the town centres. An innovative planning control is proposed requiring that each development provide an amount of landscaping that equates to 100% of the total site area. This includes green walls, green roofs, landscaped terraces and podiums to align with our vision of green and sustainable town centres.

    Parking Rates

    The draft DCP proposes revised parking rates for different types of development within the town centres. The revised parking rates are based on the town centres’   high level of accessibility to employment centres, availability and frequency of public transport, mandatory parking requirements under State Government policy, and the need to encourage sustainable and active transport (walking, cycling and public transport).

    Affordable Housing

    The draft DCP outlines an inclusionary zoning approach which requires that a percentage of units in each development be dedicated towards affordable housing. The percentage rate is 3% for the first 2 years that the RLEP 2012 amendments are made, rising to 5% thereafter. The additional affordable housing will help meet housing needs for key workers, students and low-low/medium income households in the local area.