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Recycling in Randwick

We want to know what UNSW students know about recycling in Randwick City. During O-Week, do our on-line survey and tell us what you know.

Students comprise a significant and valued group in our City. We have a high youth population with some 13% of Randwick residents in the 18-24 age group compared to about 9.5% for Greater Sydney.

Each year Randwick Council sends 12,000 tonnes to recycling and 27,000 tonnes of waste to landfill. However about 16%, or 4,320 tonnes, of waste going to landfill is, in fact, recyclable. Last year it is estimated that this

Recycling in Randwick

We want to know what UNSW students know about recycling in Randwick City. During O-Week, do our on-line survey and tell us what you know.

Students comprise a significant and valued group in our City. We have a high youth population with some 13% of Randwick residents in the 18-24 age group compared to about 9.5% for Greater Sydney.

Each year Randwick Council sends 12,000 tonnes to recycling and 27,000 tonnes of waste to landfill. However about 16%, or 4,320 tonnes, of waste going to landfill is, in fact, recyclable. Last year it is estimated that this cost the community over $900,000.

Council aims to be in a position of sending no untreated waste to landfill by 2020. We can do this with the help of UNSW students.

As part of the survey you can do a recycling knowledge test.

Recycling in Randwick

We want to know what UNSW students know about recycling in Randwick City. During O-Week, do our on-line survey and tell us what you know.

Students comprise a significant and valued group in our City. We have a high youth population with some 13% of Randwick residents in the 18-24 age group compared to about 9.5% for Greater Sydney.

Each year Randwick Council sends 12,000 tonnes to recycling and 27,000 tonnes of waste to landfill. However about 16%, or 4,320 tonnes, of waste going to landfill is, in fact, recyclable. Last year it is estimated that this cost the community over $900,000.

Council aims to be in a position of sending no untreated waste to landfill by 2020. We can do this with the help of UNSW students.

As part of the survey you can do a recycling knowledge test. Do the test and check out your recycling status.

0-1 right. It looks like your recycling knowledge needs some work.
2 right. You’re halfway there to becoming a great recycler.
3 right. You’re a pretty awesome recycler but can improve.
4 right. You’re a great recycler!

  • Congratulations on enrolling at UNSW. We hope you have a great future at Uni and can help the environment with excellent recycling. By doing this survey, you can help us make recycling easier for you.

    Consultation has concluded
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